Discovery Phase
  • It all starts with an email. Use the contact page to get in touch with me and tell me a bit about your project. 

  • Book a Discovery Call with me.  I’ll send you a design questionnaire to fill out prior to our call so that we can be prepared to answer your questions.  

  • We’ll chat. From there, we will hop on a call to discuss your hopes and goals, challenges and frustrations, and the project scope and budget. 

  • Homework. Depending on the services desired, I may assign homework such as collecting inspirational images, identifying color preferences, furniture and décor ideas to review at our Initial Design Consultation.

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Consultation Phase
  • Every project starts with an Initial Design Consultation.   Let me join you in your home to discuss your design dilemmas and hopes for transforming your space(s).

  • We’ll spend up to 120 minutes at your home together exploring your current space(s).  I will take notes and photos throughout our meeting.  The time is intended to answer your questions and develop a clear idea of what your project entails.

  • Within 7 days of our Initial Consultation, I will send you a Scope of Work for your project that will include my design suggestions and next steps toward working together.

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Design Planning Phase
  • Review, Sign, Seal & Deliver.  We’ll meet to review the Letter of Agreement so that we can get started on your project.

  • Design Plan Meetings.  This may include an Idea Session, Trade Day & a Design Concept Meeting to discuss Investment Figures. 

  • Design Plan Creation.  Custom created plans based on prior meetings will be created for presentation.  

  • Design Plan Presentation.  Full vision for your space(s) will be presented for approval.

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Procurement & Build Phase
  • Lock It In. Selections are finalized and the Design Plan is approved by you.   

  • Sit back and relax. This is the point where I get to work scheduling the work and taking care of the logistics of the design plan.  I will be in touch every step of the way to answer questions and keep you updated on progress.  

  • Style. The final touches make all the difference.  We’ll meet to discuss the final details so that your space is personal for you.

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Completion Phase
  • Final Install.  We wrap up all work and preparations for full installation.

  • Photo Shoot.  Within one week of installation, a photography shoot is conducted to be shared on Intuitive Home Design’s portfolio.  

  • Final Walk Through. Within two days of the Final Install, Lori will visit you in your home for a final walkthrough of the project.

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