Residential Interior Styling & Design


Change starts at home. Now, more than ever, our homes have become our sanctuaries, as well as classrooms, offices, and playgrounds. Let me help you take the stress out of designing a space that works for you and your family TODAY.

With my Digital Design One-Room Package, you can leave the stress behind and focus on what’s most important to you.  My Digital Design Package provides a step-by-step plan for you to create a functionally beautiful room from the comfort of your own home.  This package will provide you with a comprehensive plan so that you can implement the design on your own. 


The simple steps to achieving your plan:



Purchase Package • You can purchase your Digital Design package with one click and secure your spot! Once you’ve done that, go ahead and schedule a phone call with me to get your one-room project kicked off!


Questionnaire • I’ll send you the contract, how-to directions, and the Digital Design Questionnaire, which helps me better understand your style and goals for your new space so I can create a uniquely designed virtual room.


Design Plan • When you send me the completed questionnaire, photos, and floor plan of the room, I’ll start designing your new space! Over the next two weeks, I’ll put together the Design Plan for you to implement on your own.


Video Call • Before we wrap up your project, I’ll send you an email with the complete Room Design Plan and all deliverables. Then we’ll hop on a video call so we can review the full design and answer your questions.


Let me help you transform your space so that you can live well in your home.



You want to save money by doing the purchasing and installation yourself, following my professional design.

You love modern design with a clean aesthetic. 

You want to take a room-by-room approach to designing your home. 

Your room does not require structural modifications that may include moving walls, plumbing and/or electrical work.  



Online access to Intuitive Home Design's Project Management Studio that gives you access to:

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Lori Guttormsen Interior Designer

MEET YOUR Decorator

Hi, I’m Lori. I’m an interior decorator based out of Appleton, Wisconsin. I’d like to work with you to create homes that not only support you and your family, but allow you to thrive!

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